Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Fly Balls

10x8 oil on canvas, SOLD

Some days are just like that…It’s all you can do to keep all the balls in the air. Today was one of those: non-stop chaos, interruptions and construction next door. Good thing I painted this yesterday! Talk about foresight…actually I’m just trying to loosen up a bit after completing a commission. I’ve been doing quite a few commissioned “portraits” of late and I find that even though the commissions are always done in my style, there’s so much focus that goes into painting the “essence” of the person. (Have I lost you yet? A little too Southern California fluffy?) What I mean is the people that commission me want my style in the painting but something has to feel like the subject so there is that magical connection. It’s all a bit nebulous. My point is that after working on commissions it feels really good to invent my own wacky people with flying balls—don’t go there!

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