Monday, June 14, 2010

Summatime Bird

8x6" oil on canvas, SOLD 

Hey, whatever happened to those lazy days of summer? Really, I am just a tad too busy--like in "can't-breathe-busy"! It's a good busy though--working on 15 new paintings for my solo show in July (that's enough to curl my hair!), a group show in August and three commissions. And that's just the artist side of my life. The family side of things is even more dicey right now--waaay to much stuff on my never-ending to-do list. Really could use an assistant. One that doesn't require feeding or laundering. Or sixteen reminders on stickie notes. Too much to ask? Apparently. Longing for a lazy day at the beach with a good book...


Claire Beadon Carnell said...

Love this - it is so creative!

Helen Read said...

Brenda, what fun! I really like this!

Brenda York said...

Thank you! Hope you are both enjoying the beginning of summer!